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College Crest

A Short History of College.

The crest stands as the true symbol of the vision and mission of an institution.

‘The Logo represents the repository of knowledge. The book with a pen of feather and ink pot on it in the middle of the crest speaks of the diffusion of knowledge. These three indicate man's insatiable thirst for knowledge from the time immemorial to the present age and symbolize the ancient culture and tradition handed down from generation to generation.

The book with its pages open is the fountain head of education and edification. The burning lamp is the symbol of knowledge, enlightment, cheerfulness, solidity, profundity and rationality. It awakens man's inherent potency endowed with inherited traits and tendencies and thus leads him towards a blissful life. The rays of the lamp mark the end of man's ignorance. The most stirring and refulgent line 'jnanam-eva jayate' that is transcribed at the foot of the crest is the symbol of victory and prosperity over futility and frustration. All these symbols are fused together to mark the glory of education, the prime necessity of man.