About Us

About Us

Mission & Vision

Our mission is to uphold the glory of tradition of our culture and wage a war against all kinds of social evils and lay stress on value based education to provide all possible avenues that would instill in the minds of the students to strive for high standard of academic excellence, to promote education, to enable the students to meet the class ages of new era, to inculcate in the students the spirit of discipline, dedication and a sound moral conduct in all their thoughts and action, to promote a sense of equality, social justice, secularism, national integration among the students and encourage them to be the catalyst transformations.


Our vision is to provide value based education with a view to promote work ethics, professional expertise and leadership in all walks of life to serve the society with justice, truth and love. We do believe in diffusion of knowledge and inculcation of superb human values in the students to broaden their outlook and develop a cosmopolitan bent of mind.